10 Women to Watch from the MBA Class of 2019
Features Gillian Apps T’19 and mentions Swellen Macieira T’19 in an article highlighting women in the class of 2019 from business schools around the world.
Features Gillian Apps T’19 and mentions Swellen Macieira T’19 in an article highlighting women in the class of 2019 from business schools around the world.
Roger McNamee T’82 writes that Facebook should implement a subscription-based business model to reduce the likelihood that bad actors could use the platform for harm.
Features John Vogel in a piece about the rising popularity of impact investing.
Vijay Govindarajan outlines reasons companies should continue to invest in India despite the challenges the market presents.
Highlights the Tuck School of Business as an important component of the Upper Valley region’s dynamic economy.
Quotes Punam Anand Keller and Margaux Lohry in an article highlighting Tuck’s Next Step: Transition to Business executive education program.
Highlights new research from Adam Kleinbaum exploring the connection between neural activity and friendships.
Dr. H. Gilbert Welch writes that liquid biopsy tests to detect cancer are more complex than the public has been led to believe.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about the potential risks organizations face when they openly respond to difficult questions, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation did with its annual letter this year.
Highlights Tuck’s banner year for scholarship fundraising in 2017, which saw $20 million pledged in support of scholarships.
Mentions Next Step: Transition to Business, a Tuck executive education program customized for military veterans and elite athletes, in an article about the U.S. Olympic Committee's Athlete Career Education (ACE) program.
Cites Dean Matthew J. Slaughter’s recent article in The Wall Street Journal about the potential negative effects that withdrawing from NAFTA could have on the United States.
In a Facebook Live video for HBR, Sydney Finkelstein discusses how the best leaders are also great teachers.
Features the Raether family’s recent $15 million gift to Tuck in support of scholarship funding. The donation continues the Raethers’ longtime support of the school.
Vijay Govindarajan guides digital native companies and industry incumbents in what they need to do to lead in the era of the Industrial Internet.
Highlights Paul Raether T’73 and the Raether family's $15 million gift in support of scholarship funding at Tuck. The gift ties the record for the largest philanthropic donation ever given to Tuck.
Quotes Dr. H. Gilbert Welch in an article about the economic impact of unnecessary medical testing.
Quotes Adam Kleinbaum in continued coverage of new research from Kleinbaum exploring how neural activity can predict friendships.
Highlights Tuck in an article about business schools with the highest percentage of women enrolled.
Features new research from Adam Kleinbaum that explores how brain activity can be used to predict friendships.
Dean Matthew J. Slaughter writes that withdrawing from NAFTA would have detrimental effects across the country. “Withdraw from NAFTA, and all its gains would be permanently lost.”
An article about Tuck's Next Step: Transition to Business executive education program for military veterans and elite athletes quotes Punam Anand Keller and Joseph Hall.
Features Dr. H. Gilbert Welch in an article about CancerSEEK, a new blood test to detect eight different types of cancers.
Quotes Aine Donovan in an article about former FBI director James Comey being invited to teach ethical leadership at the College of William & Mary.
Cites research by Leslie Robinson in an article about multinationals planning to repatriate foreign earnings and the tax bills they will face as a result.
Quotes Santiago Gallino in continued coverage of Philadelphia’s chances at becoming the home for Amazon’s second U.S. headquarters.
Quotes Emily Blanchard in an article about the changing relations between the United States and Latin America during President Donald Trump’s first year in office.
Quotes Vijay Govindarajan in an article about a speech he delivered at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad based on his book The Three Box Solution.
Ken Martin T’17 writes that bitcoin must win over pragmatic “early majority” customers to succeed, which means finding solutions for numerous issues.
Features Emily Blanchard in a conversation about generalized system of preferences, a preferential tariff system that allows for concessions to be made to benefit developing countries.
Richard D’Aveni argues that General Electric should ignore analysts calling for the company to break up following a period of underperformance that led to falling stock prices.
Features Santiago Gallino in an article about the leading candidates for Amazon’s second U.S. headquarters. Last week, the company released a shortlist of 20 contenders, including Philadelphia, which Gallino says could be a great fit for HQ2.
An article about more MBAs going into politics cites a growth in the number of Tuck students entering the field upon graduation. Two percent of Tuck’s most recent graduates accepted positions in the government/nonprofit sector in 2017, up from 1 percent the year prior.
Highlights “Informality and Development” by Rafael La Porta, visiting research scholar, in an article about the effect formalization could have on India’s economy.
Profiles Dean Emeritus John W. Hennessey Jr., who died of natural causes on January 11 at the age of 92. In 1967, Hennessey accepted the position of dean on the conditions that he keep teaching and Tuck begin admitting women.
Features T’19s Aimee Dennett, Christopher Ramos, Oinatz Uribe, Sam Bristol, and Seval Harac in an article offering advice to prospective students applying to business school.